Performing Domain Verification - HTTP Verification Method

Feb 3, 2025

Performing Domain Verification - HTTP Verification Method

Using the Domain Verification Code to perform Domain Verification

Article Purpose: This article provides a step-by-step instruction on how to perform domain verification using the HTTP Verification Method. This method is ideal for customers who can easily modify their website. If this is not the domain verification method you are looking for, please go here to view our other domain validation methods.

Note: The HTTP domain validation method will no longer be permitted for issuance of subdomains and wildcards effective - Nov 28th, 2021.

This method is applicable to:

  • Issuance of DomainSSL (DV) and AlphaSSL certificates
  • Adding SANs to CloudSSL certificates 
  • Adding OV and EV domains to you mSSL account
  • Domain self-validation process for Partner and Retail OV and EV SSL Certificates*

What's New*?

GlobalSign is making significant improvements to the domain validation process for Partner and Retail OV and EV SSL Certificates through its GlobalSign Certificate Center (GCC) to reduce the time and effort needed to verify domains. For more details on this significant change, please go here.

CA/B Forum Changes

The CAB Forum has specified a new standardized location to be used by all Certificate Authorities when performing domain verification using the HTTP Verification Method. GlobalSign has historically referred to this as the Meta-Tag or URL verification method because we allowed users to insert a meta-tag in the head of the main index page. All customers must use the new location, which involves placing the Domain Validation Code (DVC) in this file http(s):// Please see the example below for your reference.

Domain being requested Valid location (domain) Valid Location (page/URL)
since October 31, 2016 and after February 27, 2017




The guidelines below describes the HTTP Verification Method using the new location which you can start using immediately.  
Please follow the instructions below to complete the HTTP Verification Method:

  1. Start the ordering process within your GlobalSign Certificate Center (GCC) Account to order a DomainSSL Certificate.
  2. On the Approver Email step, scroll to the bottom of the page and select HTTP Verification to continue.

  3. Click Continue to complete the order process.
  4. Once you have completed the order process you will be provided with a Domain Validation Code. 

    The Domain Validation Code is also available by viewing the order details in your GCC account, clicking Edit, and expanding the Approver URL details. The Domain Validation Code will also be sent by email to you.

  5. Upload the file containing the DVC to your website in this location: <server selected below>/.well-known/pki-validation/gsdv.txt. Note: For this example, the DVC is found here:

  6. The email you received will also include a link, which once you have inserted the Domain Validation Code should be clicked to complete the verification process.   

  7. Select the details of your domain using the provided radio buttons. Click Verify my Domain. If the site cannot be verified an error will appear. If you receive an error, check the insertion of the code and try again.

  8. The domain has now been successfully verified, and the certificate will be issued. 

  9. An email will be sent to you confirming the order has been completed with the details of your certificate. You can now install the certificate upon receipt of email. 


1. Ballot 169 - Revised Validation Requirements

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