Ordering Overview - Qualified Electronic Seal and Signature
Jan 27, 2023
The following article provides step-by-step instructions for ordering either a Qualified Certificate for Electronic Seal or Qualified Certificate for Electronic Signature.
Ordering Overview
- Go to the Qualified Certificates Ordering Page: https://shop.globalsign.com/en/eidas-electronic-signatures
- Select the correct Certificate Type (either the Qualified Certificate for Electronic Seal or Qualified Certificate for Electronic Signature) and then click the Contact Us button. Note: Seals or Signatures including Organization details are only available to organizations with a VAT number.
- Select your Region and Currency. Then click, Select & Continue.
- On the Account Setup page, specify details for your GlobalSign Account and set up a Username and Password. (Note: A PAR#####_ prefix will be appended to your username. You will receive your username by email.)
- Select the Validity Period for the Certificate (1-3 Years).
- Complete the Certificate Identity Details and specify the information that will appear in the Certificate.
Note: Setup a one-time use “pickup password” that will be used to securely pickup and install your Certificate onto the cryptographic USB Token.
The Certificate Identity Details will vary based on whether you order a Qualified Seal or Qualified Signature. See the appropriate screenshot below for details.
Qualified Certificate for Electronic Seal Application:

Qualified Certificate for Electronic Signature Application:

- Submit Payment – you will be charged once Vetting is complete and the Certificate is ready to be issued.
- Verification Process - Qualified Electronic Seal and Signature
- Installation and Digital Signing Process - Qualified Electronic Seal and Signature