Feb 9, 2023
Supplying a Value Added Tax Number
Please note that if a Value Added Tax (VAT) number is not supplied, GlobalSign will be required to charge the VAT (not applicable outside of Europe). For United Kingdom (UK) customers VAT will be charged at 20% and for European customers (non-UK), VAT will be charged at the current VAT percentage. You can look up your current VAT percentage by visiting VATLive. Invoices will be raised to all customers by the appropriate local GlobalSign sales office and will illustrate the associated VAT charges if applicable.
Country Code | Country Name | VAT Registration Number Format |
AT | Austria | U12345678 |
BE | Belgium | 123.456.789 0123.456.789 |
BG | Bulgaria | 123456789 123456789 10 |
HR | Croatia | 12345678901 |
CY | Cyprus | 12345678Z |
CZ | Czech Republic | 12345678 123456789 1234567890 |
DK | Denmark | |
EE | Estonia | 123456789 |
FI | Finland | 12345678 |
FR | France | 12 123456789 X1 123456789 1X 123456789 XX 123456789 |
DE | Germany | 123456789 |
EL | Greece | 123456789 |
HU | Hungary | 12345678 |
IE | Ireland | 1234567Z 1Z1345Z |
IT | Italy | 12345678901 |
LV | Latvia | 12345678901 |
LT | Lithuania | 123456789 123456789012 |
LU | Luxembourg | 123456 78 |
MT | Malta | 12345678 |
NL | Netherlands | 1234 56 789 B12 |
PL | Poland | 1234567890 |
PT | Portugal | 123456789 |
RO | Romania | 12345678 |
SK | Slovak Republic | 1234567890 |
SI | Slovenia | 12345678 |
ES | Spain | Z1234567Z Z12345678 12345678Z |
SE | Sweden | 123 456 789 012 |
UK | United Kingdom | 123 4567 89 |
X = Wildcard
Z = Letter
Additional Resources:
VATLive Website: http://vatlive.com
Check your certificate installation for SSL issues and vulnerabilities.