ATLAS S/MIME Products BR changes and Impacts

Feb 19, 2025

ATLAS S/MIME Products BR changes and Impacts


The article goes through the S/MIME BRs changes, Impacts and Solutions/Alternatives to the queries related to ATLAS S/MIME certificate Types:

Starting on September 1, 2023, at 00:00 UTC, new baseline requirements will apply for SMIME certificates that need to be followed by GlobalSign as a publicly Trusted Authority.

The new standards will be implemented by GlobalSign from 21-Aug-23 and will affect the current PersonalSign products from GlobalSign. 

Please take a look at the table below for detailed understanding on ATLAS S/MIME BR changes:

BRs Impacts on ATLAS S/MIMEs

Current Products Secure Mail [Domain Validated] Secure Mail Enterprise[Organization Validated]
Validation Types as per Baselines requirements Mailbox validation Organization validation Sponsor Validation
Organization Identifier Information is needed N/A Yes [Just like Organization details, Organization Identifier will be fetched from Identities] Yes [Just like Organization details, Organization Identifier will be fetched from Identities]
Common Name [CN] change for new Certificate, If present Yes [Only Email address is allowed] Yes [Email address Or Organization Name allowed only] No
Generation Types allowed: Legacy, Multipurpose, Strict Yes [All] Yes [All] Yes [All]
Maximum Validity allowed for certificates 734 Days [For Multipurpose & Strict], 1184 Days [For Legacy] 734 Days [For Multipurpose & Strict], 1184 Days [For Legacy] 734 Days [For Multipurpose & Strict], 1184 Days [For Legacy]
Organization Unit field will not be allowed N/A Yes Yes
Reissue allowed for existing certificates Yes Yes Yes
Addition of Pseudonym in API Request & response N/A N/A Yes [Only for Strict & Multipurpose generation types]
New S/MIME Intermediate Certificate (GlobalSign ATLAS R6 SMIME CA 2023) will be used for all End Entity (Not applicable if you are using a Custom profile) Yes Yes Yes
New addition in Distinguished Name (DN) Field No No Yes [Given Name / Surname and Pseudonym is introduced]
Updates as per BR in Legal service agreements and CP and CPS documents Yes Yes Yes


For further queries on issuance or renewal etc. kindly contact GlobalSign Support.

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