Change in Issuing CA for Timestamping Service
Jul 26, 2023
Change in Issuing CA for Timestamping Service
GlobalSign will be migrating to a new issuing CA (ICA) for the issuance of the AATL timestamping service effective, August 1, 2023. We are making this change as part of our new root strategy, which focuses on minimizing the impact of TLS compliance incidents on non-TLS customers.
What's Changing?
- Please be assured that the validity of signatures applied from the prior ICA will not be impacted because of the ICA change.
- When the migration to the new ICA is complete, your timestamps will automatically be delivered from the new R45 ICA named:
GlobalSign Atlas R45 TimeStamping CA 2022
- The new ICA is trusted within Adobe and other popular document software. There is no need to re-apply existing digital signatures or timestamps made using the current hierarchy.
Possible Impact and Recommendations:
- This migration will be seamless and does not require any action from you, except in the following scenarios:
- If you have previously stored or cached the ICA and built a trust hierarchy using the same in your application, you may be impacted.
- Recommendation:
- Manually import the new Trust hierarchy into your application.
- Please find the new ICA for import and testing on our Support page here: GlobalSign Support.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this planned migration, please let us know.