GlobalSign Cross Certificates

Aug 13, 2024

GlobalSign Cross Certificates

Cross Certificates create alternate trust paths for Certificates. GlobalSign offers Cross Certificates to chain to alternate Root Certificates. This may be useful for customers needing to support legacy devices that only have older, more ubiquitous roots embedded. In addition, GlobalSign offers Code Signing Cross Certificates that chain to the Microsoft Trust Store.

GlobalSign Cross Certificates

GlobalSign Cross Certificate R1-R3

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R3 signed by R1 (2018) 
SHA256 • RSA • 2048

Valid until: 28 January 2028
Serial #: 01:ee:5f:16:9d:ff:97:35:2b:64:65:d6:6a
Thumbprint: 0b:bf:ab:97:05:95:95:e8:d1:ec:48:e8:9e:b8:65:7c:0e:5a:ae:71

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R1-R5

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R5 signed by R1
SHA384 • ECC • 384

Valid until: 28 January 2028
Serial #: 75:1e:3f:53:e3:18:59:33:e9:5f:08:ec:ee:ad:02:97
Thumbprint: 45:76:9b:51:27:dc:17:55:42:4b:ec:b5:68:c7:0b:43:39:83:3f:be 

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R1-R6

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R6 signed by R1 
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 28 January 2028
Serial #: 75:1e:3f:56:49:e7:4c:bb:f6:9d:00:26:b6:7c:aa:8c
Thumbprint: 7f:78:64:18:f0:af:ce:be:b2:be:04:c2:e5:b2:ee:4c:83:59:29:ae

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R1-R46

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R46 signed by R1
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 28 January 2028
Serial #: 75:A8:BA:D6:83:21:35:0B:5B:0B:AC:34:E1:CE:38:9F
Thumbprint: 45:D1:6C:B4:60:3D:CD:0A:12:1D:2F:E9:CE:14:CA:AC:3B:5A:8D:A4

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R1-E46

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - E46 signed by R1
SHA384 • ECC • 4096

Valid until: 28 January 2028
Serial #: 75:A8:BA:D3:0D:98:D4:B2:8B:9B:7E:E8:52:D2:48:A9
Thumbprint: 1D:6C:A3:6E:02:0E:F2:6D:ED:01:DA:16:EE:68:5C:CF:89:A4:F1:0E

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R3-R5

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R5 signed by R3 (2018) 
SHA384 • RSA • 384

Valid until: 18 March 2029
Serial #: 01:ee:5f:22:3e:3d:35:5b:99:2b:c8:2a:b4
Thumbprint: d1:d2:35:78:fa:af:56:36:44:e8:1f:1b:5f:ef:29:fe:9c:86:72:fb

This Cross Certificate would be useful for customers visiting your site secured with an ECC Certificate which may not have Root R5 in their trust list.
Note: For a summary of platforms that include our Roots, please check our SSL Root Compatibility article. 

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R3-R6

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R6 signed by R3 (2019) 
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 18 March 2029
Serial #: 01:f2:40:42:40:ce:fd:22:db:e9:6c:71:fc
Thumbprint: 61:8a:4f:66:f2:ab:56:af:46:4b:0c:36:97:f6:f1:c9:1f:88:f8:b4

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R3-R46

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R46 signed by R3 
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 18 March 2029
Serial #: 75:a8:ba:d8:78:f8:af:30:5f:72:dd:1c:11:40:df:3a​​​​​​​
Thumbprint: B5:24:03:B7:1D:0F:24:57:BA:45:B6:E7:0C:A8:2C:83:FE:B7:E6:15

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R3-E46

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - E46 signed by R3
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 18 March 2029
Serial #: 75:A8:BA:DA:4F:DF:44:82:FA:33:C4:F0:F3:94:F8:4B
Thumbprint: F9:42:48:00:98:69:54:3A:B5:9D:ED:10:21:14:F3:BE:61:08:C4:BB

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R3-SMIMER45

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - SMIMER45 signed by R3
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 18 March 2029
Serial #: 78:03:18:3D:FE:58:D0:CE:DA:4D:B4:E5:14:F4:07:96
Thumbprint: 12:05:9F:B2:BC:9D:B7:7E:E9:2D:86:40:11:23:04:41:9B:53:9A:94

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R5-E46

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - E46 signed by R5
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 19 January 2038
Serial #: 75:A8:BA:D5:73:A5:20:75:D2:90:4A:21:01:AE:D5:60
Thumbprint: 71:F8:EB:E0:04:C4:08:50:FA:B5:DC:B4:ED:68:8B:47:2E:0C:05:18

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R5-SMIMEE45

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - SMIMEE45 signed by R5
SHA384 • EC • 384

Valid until: 28 July 2037
Serial #: 78:03:18:3C:65:4F:D1:D4:73:CC:7E:1E:46:8A:51:CF
Thumbprint: D1:9E:7B:F2:1D:87:C6:C3:34:8B:F4:92:66:9B:2A:47:64:4A:BC:ED

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R5-CLIENTAUTHE45

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - CLIENTAUTHE45 signed by R5
SHA384 • EC • 384

Valid until: 28 July 2037
Serial #: 78:03:18:3F:09:5C:F4:B7:F7:7C:89:66:AC:48:2A:E5
Thumbprint: 74:8E:BB:14:A5:CE:69:DA:0F:A5:B2:8C:00:6C:53:ED:7E:6A:9F:5C

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R5-CODESIGNE45

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - CODESIGNE45 signed by R5
SHA384 • EC • 384

Valid until: 28 July 2037
Serial #: 78:03:18:41:D6:70:17:58:56:D6:79:21:0A:FB:94:C3
Thumbprint: 89:D1:D8:5B:4E:8E:1B:B3:2D:43:83:C7:47:53:F7:D7:9D:2D:05:A9

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GlobalSign Timestamping Root E46

GlobalSign Timestamping Root E46
SHA384 • EC • 256

Valid until: 17 November 2031
Serial #: 7B:29:CE:AC:1C:00:9D:B9:D8:1D:84:B7:C0:BD:A4:5C
Thumbprint: 1B:B7:55:93:8F:5C:1D:B8:3C:A4:91:87:AF:83:80:3C:DD:C7:EB:9B

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R6-R46

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - R46 signed by R6
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 10 December 2034
Serial #: 75:A8:BA:D9:BE:1C:D9:9F:CF:E1:8B:B4:F0:D4:4F:19
Thumbprint: EC:55:77:71:94:69:5A:4D:41:D0:90:DD:15:22:4C:63:EB:DB:7A:41

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R6-CODESIGNR45

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - CODESIGNR45 signed by R6
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 10 December 2034
Serial #: 78:4A:A9:28:1D:59:6F:9C:D0:CE:B0:FE:A9:7A:64:9B
Thumbprint: AB:A5:DF:A4:76:B9:4C:16:6F:1F:DB:10:96:64:4F:19:DA:49:6A:37

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GlobalSign Cross Certificate R6-TIMESTAMPR45

GlobalSign Cross Certificate - TIMESTAMPR45 signed by R6
SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 10 December 2034
Serial #: 78:4A:AA:81:73:66:9C:90:09:54:E4:21:C9:47:EB:C0
Thumbprint: AF:FB:A4:70:E7:6A:64:45:2B:55:49:03:9F:6E:40:F5:92:DD:1E:98

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GlobalSign Client Authentication Root R3-R45 Cross Certificate

GlobalSign Client Authentication Root R45 (R3 cross)

SHA384 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 18th March 2029

Serial #: 78 03 18 3f c8 1e fc d5 78 9a 34 60 49 78 ed 52

Thumbprint: 4b:2b:35:6d:2a:67:79:03:d3:8f:0f:3f:a6:d6:0e:45:37:68:7e:1b

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GlobalSign Code Signing Root R3-R45 Cross Certificate

GlobalSign Code Signing Root R45 (R3 cross)

SHA256 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 18 March 2029
Serial #: ‎‎ 78 03 18 42 45 70 8a 41 cf 6f 01 b8 ee b4 a9 54
Thumbprint: ‎‎ 4c5d80d2cd06b1a493c49b2e9bed4a57c2f873e5

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Microsoft - GlobalSign Root R3 Code Signing Cross Certificate

Microsoft Code Signing Cross Certificate for R3
SHA1 • RSA • 2048

Valid until: 04 June 2025
Serial #: 33:00:00:00:3b:6a:c0:1e:2b:21:e6:15:dc:00:00:00:00:00:3b
Thumbprint: 81:4a:5b:b5:e9:09:30:11:e1:21:e7:51:69:00:8f:6f:46:67:36:3d


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Microsoft - GlobalSign Root R5 Code Signing Cross Certificate

Microsoft Code Signing Cross Certificate for R5 
SHA1 • RSA • 384

Valid until: 04 June 2025
Serial #: 33:00:00:00:3c:43:45:d8:a6:d0:3a:df:e4:00:00:00:00:00:3c
Thumbprint: 07:a2:67:81:31:d9:32:2d:0e:7a:3c:bf:ca:43:19:a5:0e:b7:37:29

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Microsoft - GlobalSign Root R6 Code Signing Cross Certificate

Microsoft Code Signing Cross Certificate for R6
SHA1 • RSA • 4096

Valid until: 04 June 2025
Serial #: 33:00:00:00:3d:ef:38:ee:1d:a7:68:73:61:00:00:00:00:00:3d
Thumbprint: 93:9c:69:75:32:9f:e9:e7:77:b5:80:70:4f:af:98:03:27:58:9b:b3


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