IntranetSSL FAQs
Jan 13, 2025
IntranetSSL FAQs
IntranetSSL certificates are issued under private GlobalSign root certificates (non-publicly trusted root certificates). This allows IntranetSSL to support features that are normally prohibited under industry and CA/Browser Forum guidelines. For example, IntranetSSL supports the issuance of certificates:
- With Internal Server Names and reserved IP addresses
- Using the SHA-1 signing algorithm for legacy application support
- With up to 5 years of validity vs. the current 13 month maximum
For more information on IntranetSSL, please visit,
Where do I order IntranetSSL?
How do I begin ordering IntranetSSL in my MSSL Account?
- New MSSL customers will need to set up a Profile containing Organization details. GlobalSign Vetting will pre-verify these details. Once profile and domain(s) vetting is completed, MSSL customers can instantly issue SSL Certificates containing those details.
- Note: During profile set up, customers are also prompted to add at least one public domain to the Profile, which will need to be verified using one of our automated domain validation methods.
- Details on Profile set up and the IntranetSSL Ordering Steps are available in the Managed SSL User Guide here:
- Review the FAQs below to assess whether you need to order IntranetSSL for an IANA TLD or a Private TLD.
How do I order an IntranetSSL for IANA TLDs (top level domains)?
- For IANA TLDs (e.g., .net, .org, .google), the domain must be vetted and added to the Profile first (details above) before any SSL Certificate can be ordered for that domain including IntranetSSL.
- Example: First, add the new domain "' to the Profile using the "Add New Domain" button as shown in the screenshot below and complete the automated domain validation steps. Once the domain is validated, you can begin ordering SSL for that domain (including IntranetSSL, etc.)
How do I order an IntranetSSL for a private TLD?
- For TLDs not registered in ICANN, such as ".local" or Reserved IP Addresses, you do not need to pre-vet the domain to the profile. Customers can simply click "Order Certificate" (see screenshot below) and begin the ordering process for domains such as "example.local" or a reserved IP address.