NGINX - Enable OCSP Stapling

Feb 19, 2024

NGINX - Enable OCSP Stapling

Prior Reading:

Enable OCSP Stapling

  1. Make sure NGINX 1.3.7 or above is installed.

    nginx -v
  2. Edit the server block* configuration file for your site or nginx.conf if server blocks are not used using the editor of your choice (such as nano or vi):

    nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
    nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

    *If you need to enable OCSP stapling on just one server block, it must be the "default_server". If you need to enable OCSP stapling on more than one server block, it must be enabled on the "default_server" before it can be enabled on any other server block.  
  3. Turn on OCSP stapling:

    ssl_stapling on;
  4. Enable the server to check OCSP:

    ssl_stapling_verify on;
  5. Point to a trusted certificate chain file. This must contain the intermediate & root certificates (in that order from top to bottom).

    ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/full_chain.pem

    Use the example configuration below as a reference:  


  6. Test your configuration before reloading:
    sudo service nginx configtest

  7. Restart NGINX service if OK:
    sudo service nginx reload
  8. Verify OCSP Stapling is working by checking your domain with GlobalSign's SSL Checker.

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