VMC Installation

Mar 18, 2025

Installing Verified Marked Certificate

This guide will help you install your Verified Mark Certificate or VMC. Before you install your VMC, please make sure that your domain has DMARC, DKIM and SPF record setup.


Once you have received your VMC Certificate from us in PEM format via email, we request you to perform following actions: 

What you need? 

  • SVG File that you submitted to us and is referenced in your BIMI Record

  • PEM Encoded Chain file on Notepad. Please see this article: PEM Encoded Certificate Chain Support Article  
    Note: Please retain their original names, and simply place these files on an https accessible public server. 

You then need to update your BIMI Record with the details of these VMC files.

  1. Securely copy paste the URL of the files that you have placed on your server.  

  2. In your BIMI Record you need to paste the URLs into following locations. ​​​​​​

    I = URL of SVG file. 
    a = URL of PEM file. 

  3. Below is the example of a TXT DNS Entry that needs to contain your two URLs. Once updated, your BIMI record would look like this:
    v=BIMI1; I=https://www.globalsign.com/globalsign.svg;

  4. Your BIMI Record Location 


  5. Your BIMI Selector Header 

    BIMI-Selector: v=BIMI1; s=globalsign; 

Note:  Here “globalsign.svg” is the name of the logo SVG file and “globalsign_vmc.pem” is the name of the VMC Certificate in .PEM format and “globalsign.com” is the email sending domain. 

For any other Queries please contact support team via https://www.globalsign.com/en/company/contact 

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