How To Change Billing Information in GCC

Dec 4, 2024

How To Change Billing Information in GCC

The GlobalSign Certificate Center (GCC) has the ability to create an additional sub account for billing information. The optional Billing 'Contact' is created at this stage of the application process by either providing separate information for the account, or by clicking on the checkbox to use the same details as the account administrator. Note: Our API can only support Invoice Query function as of the moment, therefore updating the billing information has to be completed on GCC portal.


  • If there is only 1 user in the account (admin), they are the default billing contact.
  • If there are multiple users in the account, follow the steps below to change the user:

How to change billing contact?

  1. From the GCC portal Account & Finance, click Change Billing Manager.

  2. Choose the preferred user from the User name dropdown, then click Confirm.

  3. Review the new billing manager, then click Complete.

Note: The information in the chosen user including the email address and address will serve as the billing information that will reflect on the orders.

How to update billing contact information?

  1. From the GCC portal > Account & Finance, click Manage Users.

  2. Click Search to view all users, then click the Edit button to update the user information.

  3. Update the required fields (highlighted in red) in the User information editing page, then click Confirm.

Note: To view the current billing manager, go to Manager Users, then click search. The user with "o" under Billing Contact is the current billing manager.


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