Transform Certificate to PVK + SPC Combination - Code Signing Certificates
Jun 27, 2023
Article Purpose: This article provides step-by-step instructions for transforming your code signing certificate to a PVK + SPC combination. If this is not the solution you are looking for, please search for your solution in the search bar above.
- Export your certificate to a ".pfx" file. Be sure to check Include All certificates in the Certification Path if Possible. Click below for export instructions:
- Install OpenSSL. Compiled binaries can be found at
- Extract your private key from the ".pfx" file using the command:
->openssl pkcs12 -in <pfx-file> -nocerts -nodes -out <pem-key-file>
- Enter the PFX password when prompted
- Access the PVK transform utility by downloading the PVK zip file from GlobalSign.
-> pvk -in(pem-key-file) -topvk -out (pvk-file) Example: -> pvk -in SOMETHING.PEM -topvk-out SOMETHING.pvk
- Extract your certificates from the ".pfx" file using the command:
openssl pkcs12 -in <pfx-file> -nokeys -out <pem-certs-file>
- Enter the PFX password when prompted.
- Transform your "pem" file to a "spc" file using the command:
->openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile <pem-certs-file> -outform DER -out <spc-file>
Additional Resources:
Export Instructions:
OpenSSL Compiled Binaries:
GlobalSign PVK zip file: