Encrypt Email - Microsoft Outlook 2003

Feb 25, 2025


Encrypting your email messages ensures that the message is only visible to you and the recipient. Follow the step-by-step guidelines: 

  1. Store a copy of the recipient's certificate in your Contacts List.
  2. Once you have configured your Toolbar to include the Sign and Encrypt buttons, you can encrypt messages by simply clicking the encrypt button.

    Screenshot 1.png
  3. Encrypted emails are distinguished by the blue padlock icon that appears in the lower-right-corner of the address pane. 

    Screenshot 2.png

Note: You can encrypt your messages on a case-by-case basis by clicking the Encryption button in the Toolbar. Alternatively, you can configure your security options so that your messages will be automatically encrypted every time you communicate with a user with whom you have exchanged and stored (in your address book) certificates.

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