Initialize Safenet eToken 5110 cc for Qualified Certificates
Mar 11, 2025
This article will walk you through initializing your Safenet eToken 5110 cc for your Qualified Certificate. This is a requirement when you first set up your token. It may also be used in the event you forget the password to your token.
Warning: Initializing your token will delete all Certificates off the token. If you have existing Certificates on the USB token, they will be removed permanently and will have to be reissued.
- A Safenet eToken. This is mailed when you order a Qualified Certificate for Electronic Seal or Qualified Certificate for Electronic Signature.
- Safenet Authentication Client installed.
NOTE: The new Safenet eToken 5110 CC (940) requires v10.8-R8 or higher.
It is recommended to restart your computer after installing the new safenet driver.
- Plug in and reset the password.
Note: For the new Safenet eToken 5110 CC (940), the default password is "0000".
For old tokens, the default password is "1234567890".
- IMPORTANT: You only have 5 attempts to enter the correct password, before the token will be rendered unusable.
- Open the SafeNet Authentication Client Tools.

- Click the gear icon on the top right of the window for Advanced View. This will redirect you to the next window.

- Right click your token (may be named differently) and click Initialize Token...
- On the Initialize Token - Initialization Options window, choose Configure all initialization settings and policies. Then, click Next to proceed.

- On the Initialize Token - Administrator Logon window, tick the Use factory default administrator password checkbox and the Use factory default digital signature PUK checkbox. Then, click Next to proceed.
Note: If you have set a non-default admin password and PIN originally, and you forgot it, you will be unable to initialize it. The token will be permanently unusable.

- On the Initialize Token - Password Settings window, create a new password for your token. The default administrator password is forty-eight 0's and the default Digital Signature PUK is six 0's.
Note: Un-check the box for "Token password must be changed on first logon".
Then, click Next to proceed.

- On the Initialize Token - IDPrime Common Criteria Settings window, create a new PIN and PUK for your token. Then, click Finish to complete the process.

Your Safenet eToken is now ready to have a Certificate installed.