Install Certificate - F5

Feb 15, 2024

Installing Your Certificate in F5

Article Purpose: This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing your certificate in F5. If this is not the solution you are looking for, please search for your solution in the search bar above.

Installing Certificates From the Certificate Authority

  1. Copy the GlobalSign certificate into each BIG-IP Controller in the redundant configuration. You can configure the accelerator with certificates using the configuration utility or from the command line.

Installing Certificates Using the Configuration Utility

  1. In the navigation panel select Proxies.
  2. On the Proxies screen click the Install SSL Certificate Request tab.
  3. In the Certfile Name box type the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the server with the file extension ".crt". If you generated a temporary certificate when you submitted a request to GlobalSign you can select the name of the certificate from the drop down list. This allows you to overwrite the temporary certificate with the certificate from the certificate authority.
  4. Paste the text of the certificate into the Install SSL Certificate window. Be sure to include the beginning and end tags:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  5. Click the Write Certificate File button to install the certificate.

Installing Certificates From the Certificate Authority Using the Command Line

  1. Copy the GlobalSign certificate into the following directory one each BIG_IP Controller in a redundant system:

  2. If you used the genkey or gencert utilities to generate the request file a copy of the corresponding key should already be in the following directory on the BIG-IP Controller:


Installing the Intermediate Certificate Using the Command Line

  1. Copy the intermediate CA certificate into each BIG-IP Controller in a redundant system.
  2. Open the intermediate CA certificate sent to you in the zip file attached to your email with a text editor.
  3. Copy the entire text of the certificate. Be sure to include the beginning and end tags:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  4. Paste the text into a text editor and name it "intermediate-ca.crt".
  5. Place the "intermediate-ca.crt" file in the directory:


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