Mar 20, 2025
A Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) is a digital certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) that verifies logo ownership. An organization must register their logo as trademarked before receiving a VMC. A VMC verifies that your organization is the legal owner of your brand logo. Using a logo with a VMC helps prevent spammers and other malicious users from using brand logos they don’t own. A logo that is a registered trademark is harder to spoof or forge because it is verified by the trademark organization.
There are two ways you can order these certificates from GMO GlobalSign:
Provide the details of the organizational point of contact, as this will be the one to whom all official communications from GlobalSign will be received. Click on Continue.
Refer to Enter Certificate Identity detail tab for further process.
You will receive one email from GlobalSign which would have your User ID mentioned and login to access your GCC account.
For existing customers with a GCC portal account:
Click on SSL Certificates Tab > Verified Mark Certificates.
Select Specific Subject Alternative Names (SANs) as Yes, if you need to add multiple domains to your VMC Order.
If left as No, by default you will be asked to add one domain only that can be your primary domain.
In Point of Contact #1, enter your contact details to be used for any further communication. Then, click Continue.
In the Certificate Identity Details, provide your common name / SAN, Organization, Locality, State or Province, and country. Then, click on Continue.
In the next screen, you will see “Your Parsed CSR”, which will display your details that you provided in your Certificate Identity details Request. Please click on Continue.
In the Verified Mark Certificate Details, provide the certificate details.
Note: All of these fields mentioned are essential for us to process your VMC Application.
Fields | Value | Notes |
SVG Logo File |
We require you to provide your SVG Tiny PS File of your trademarked logo. |
Please make sure that your SVG File is as per BIMI Guidelines. Refer to this article for detailed explanation. |
Mark Type |
Registered Mark |
Please verify your trademark registered offices from this directory: Directory of Intellectual Property Offices ( Note: Only certain trademark mark offices from WIPO list of following regions are authorized for VMC. See this article for the List of Intellectual Property Office Regions |
Registered Mark License Expiry Date |
Please select the date of the license expiry of your Trademark. |
Remember, if your license expiry date for your trademark has less than 6 months from the date of application, then we request that your license is renewed first before applying for a VMC. |
Trademark Identifier |
Please enter the trademark license identifier/unique license number. |
Trademark Country or Region Name |
Select the country to which your organization belongs. |
See this article for the List of Intellectual Property Office Regions |
Trademark |
Select the trademark office where your trademark logo is registered. |
In the Enter Option window, if you selected Yes for the add specific subject alternative name, then you will see this option. Please enter the extra domains that you want to also use VMC.
In the Your Secure Server window, you can view the summary of the FQDN requested us for your Verified Marked Certificate.
In the VMC Specific Details Requirements window, there are some important items of information that we require for the creation of your VMC.
The first request is to confirm your Business Category. Please select one option.
Field | Value to choose as per your knowledge |
Business Category | Private Organization: A non-governmental legal entity (whether ownership interests are privately held or publicly traded) whose existence was created by a filing with (or an act of) the Incorporating Agency or equivalent in its Jurisdiction of Incorporation. Business Entity: Any entity that is not a Private Organization, Government Entity, or Non-Commercial Entity as defined herein. Examples include, but are not limited to, general partnerships, unincorporated associations, sole proprietorships, etc. Non-Commercial Entity: An Applicant qualifies as a Non-Commercial Entity if: 1. The Applicant is an International Organization Entity, created under a charter, treaty, convention or equivalent instrument that was signed by, or on behalf of, more than one country’s government. The CA/Browser Forum may publish a listing of Applicants who qualify as an International Organization for Mark eligibility; 2. The Applicant is not headquartered in any country where the CA is prohibited from doing business or issuing a certificate by the laws of the CA’s jurisdiction; and 3. The Applicant is not listed on any government denial list or prohibited list (e.g., trade embargo) under the laws of the CA’s jurisdiction. Government Entity: A government-operated legal entity, agency, department, ministry, branch, or similar element of the government of a country, or political subdivision within such country (such as a state, province, city, county, etc.). |
Select your payment method, then click on Continue.
Review all the information you provided in Confirm Details/Summary window and then accept our agreement to finally place your order.
Once completed, you will receive the Order ID/Number on your registered email ID. In the email and in the screen below, you will also receive the Domain Verification Screen or code. Please click on the code below to start your domain verification process.
Our vetting team will get in touch with you, as and when needed. Once your domains are verified, and your organization and logo details have been verified from our end, we will email with your VMC PEM file.
Once you have received your VMC PEM file, you will now need to install your VMC. Please refer to this guide VMC Installation.
Check your certificate installation for SSL issues and vulnerabilities.